SO Player App Download: Smart TV, Android, Computer

This post covers the SO Player app download, where to go, compatible devices, how to install, SO Player Downloader Link, Activation, and Login. Also, recommended 3 apps in 1 IPTV service delivering thousands of live channels and VOD revealed plus two more.

The SO Player download and installation process is one of the easiest installation and activation setups. Only when you use a device with an Android OS (Fire TV, Fire Cube, Fire Stick, NVIDIA Shield, etc.) more steps are required.

SOPlayer like any other TV Player app doesn’t come with live channels or VODs. For that, you will need an IPTV service trial or subscription. There’s no need to look for one because three are revealed further down. In fact, each of those IPTV services supports the SO Play, Nora GO, and XPlay apps. You get 3 apps in 1 service which gives you more device compatibility.

Are You In A Hurry?

If you already have SOPlay installed and just want to know where to register for the trial or subscription, look below. Three IPTV service websites support SOPlayer, Nora GO, and XPlay apps. If you are not familiar with 3 apps in one IPTV service, you might want to continue reading this post.

1. Icon Streams

2. Tesla

3. TotalGo

Watch the Video…

The video reveals 3 SOPlayer websites when doing a Google search compared to three others that have been tried and tested where you get more savings and trial. You should watch the video as one of those SOP websites isn’t what you think and should be avoided. The services shown in the video that were tested are provided in this article post.

SOPlayer Download: Compatible Devices

  • Computers: Mac & Windows PC
  • Smart TVs: LG, Samsung, maybe Sony
  • Android Devices: TV, Box, Phone & Tablet
  • Devices w/ Android OS: Fire TV, Fire Cube, Fire Stick & NVIDIA Shield
  • iOS/Apple Devices: Not found in Apple Play Store anymore ***Can use XPlay or Nora GO
  • Roku: Not compatible ***Can use XPlay

How to Download SOPlayer for Free?

Google Play Store

Depending on your compatible device, you can go to the Google Play Store to download SO Player. If you already have SOPlay installed on an iOS/Apple device, nothing is stopping you from getting the trial or subscription to activate and use the TV Player app.

SO Player App Download

You can’t download it anymore from the Apple Play Store. There is a SO Play app for iPad and maybe iPhone developed by Sergio Junior, but it doesn’t appear to be the same app. The app you want requires the Provider ID, Username, Password, and PIN Codes.

Device Internal App Store

If your compatible device has an internal or built-in app store, search for… so player or soplay. If you can find it, then it means your device is compatible. Go ahead and download it.

Download SO Player URLs

Fire Stick/Fire Cube/Fire TV/NVIDIA Shield…

  • Shortcode for Downloader: 745210
  • APK URL for Downloader: or or

You can learn more here… SOPlayer on Firestick

Alternative Downloads

Both the XPlay and Nora GO apps are very similar to SO Player. All three apps have the same technology and the look inside is very close with the same features included. Each requires the Provider ID, Username, and Password, PIN Codes.

Depending on the compatible device, you can install 2 or 3 applications on the same device to test. The following list of download URLs is for other devices that SOPlay is not compatible with or cannot be downloaded.

  • Roku: Search for XPlay in the Channel Store
  • iOS/Apple: Search for XPlay or Nora GO in the internal app store
  • Fire Stick/Fire TV/Fire Cube/NVIDIA Shield: Search for XPlay in Amazon App Store

Other URL Downloads

Firestick/Fire Cube/Fire TV/NVIDIA Shield:

  • XPlay APK URL for Downloader:
  • Nora GO APK for Downloader: https:/

See Nora GO on Firestick HERE

Apple iPhone & Tablet:

Apple MACOS:


Windows PC:

To get the Streaming TV/VOD content delivered to any of the three TV Player apps, you need an IPTV service trial or subscription. You get the activation/login credentials (Provider ID, Username/Password & PIN Codes) via email sent by the subscription service.

SOPlay, Nora GO, and XPlay Apps

They deliver tons and tons of live TV channels including VOD TV series and movies. There are enough live sports (local, national, international & seasonal). This also includes PPV events to watch the big fights without an extra cost. If you love watching movies and TV shows/series, there are live channels and VODs. This includes major TV networks for watching the news, sports, movies, shows, kids shows, etc.

The following three IPTV services have been tried and tested. There is nothing to worry about. The reliability, experience, support, content delivery, and refund have been tested and found to be worthy.

Icon of the Streams

Tesla Streaming

TotalGo TV


How to get so player provider ID?
Read the article post HERE

Is SOPlayer available on iPhone?
No, but very similar apps such as XPlay and Nora GO can be downloaded

What is the SOPlayer app used for?
The free app is used to help deliver, organize, manage, and stream live TV channels and VODs from the IPTV service. Install the application on any compatible device with a high-speed Internet connection. It does not come with any channels or VODs when installed. An IPTV service subscription or trial is needed–see links to all three IPTVs above.

How do I update the SOPlayer app?
It’s best to rely on your SO Player IPTV service. It’s the safe way to go. Let them tell you what version. After all, you get the activation/login credentials from them. They also give you the SO Player download URL or shortcode and this would be the version of the app they want you to use.


It’s important to understand that everything starts with the SOPlayer Streaming TV/VOD service. They provide the SO Player app download URL, and APK URL or shortcode for the Downloader app, and activation/login credentials. It’s best to install the app to see if there’s an issue before entering into the trial or subscription.

If the subscription service website doesn’t provide the URL at the website, you can contact them for the SO Player download URL or shortcode. For those who are new to these services, it would be best to enter into the trial to test. If everything is to your liking, then pay the subscription.

You were given the compatible devices above, the URLs, and other links including APK URLs and shortcodes. If your compatible device has an internal app store, you can search for SOPlay or Nora GO.

The three apps in one IPTV service where the names of three apps were revealed, allow more compatible devices. If one app isn’t compatible with a device you want to use, you can download one or two of the other apps, even on the same device. The SOPlayer download isn’t available in the Apple Play Store but you now have alternatives for iOS/Apple devices if you want to use them.

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