Efire TV SO Player

If you are here to find more information on Efire TV SO Player, let me update you on what has happened. EfireTV SO Player is no more. By now, you should have noticed the E Fire TV SO Player website is gone. You won’t find it on the Internet anymore. No one really knows what happened but rest assured you will be wasting your time trying to them.

I have test-reviewed many IPTV services supporting different apps, not just SOPlayer. What you need to do going forward is have a list of SO Player IPTVs to subscribe to one when needed. This way, you will not be totally shut down from watching your favorites online.

efire tv so player, efiretv so player, e fire tv so player

You can simply signup to get the trial or subscription and activation from the new SO Player IPTV whatever the brand name is. Now, what you must do going forward is save every email the new IPTV service sends you.

You should also bookmark/save the IPTV service website so that you know how to return and renew your subscription and get support. You are not doing anything different that was required for Efire TV SO Player when they were in service. Instead of Efire TV SO Player, it will be the New IPTV SO Player.

Efire TV SO Player Replacements

You can resume watching your favorites online and never get stumped if there’s an IPTV service closing. Simply put you just signup for another SO Player IPTV service to get the new activation/login credentials. There’s a need to delay the process when continuing to look for the E Fire TV SO Player website and support. You are not going to find any EfireTV help going to other websites including this one.

What I’m going to do for you is prepare for the future and what you can do right now to continue watching your favorites online. I’m going to give you three SO Player IPTVs as well as two LUX Player IPTVs which are very similar to SO Player IPTVs. In other words, very similar to Efire TV SO Player.

These are top IPTVs that support one or the other TV app that I test-reviewed to save you time. Going forward I’m going to abbreviate SO Player with SOP when giving you a list below. I encourage you to consider the LUX Player IPTVs which have the same compatible devices but are also compatible with the Roku.

EfireTV SO Player Additional Info…

Chose any one of the SOP IPTVs or LUX IPTVs below. For the LUX IPTVs, you are not required to enter/type in the Provider ID. But the activation/login credentials are basically the same. However, do not enter your old Efire TV SO Player activation/logins with any new service below.

Just like Efire SO Player, you will receive the activation/login credentials via email. You must save those emails to retrieve them in the future if needed. You must always remember the name of your IPTV service and where to find them online. I suggest that you bookmark each IPTV service below.

SOP IPTV 1 or Read Full Review
SOP IPTV 2 or Read Full Review ***Must contact chat agent to get the subscription
NOTE: No longer compatible with iOS/Apple devices

Alternatives to SO Player IPTVs

LUX Player IPTV 1 or Read Full Review

LUX Player IPTV 1 or Read Full Review

LUX Player IPTV 2
NOTE: Compatible with iOS/Apple & Roku devices

Difference Between SO Player or LUX Player and New IPTV Service

Whether you were an Efire TV SO Player user or not, you must understand the app and IPTV have different functions. Not understanding what the differences are can lead you down a rabbit hole that is occurring with many subscribers.

The SO Player app or LUX Player app or any TV app you install does not deliver any streaming TV/VOD content on its own. You need to identify the IPTV service first so that you know what app they support. The IPTV service provides the activation/login credentials to activate the app which connects to the IPTV service servers. They also provide you with support for the app and streaming content delivered.

Understand both functions and you will be able to think about what you need to do. Many subscribers are focusing too much on app such as the E Fire TV SO Player. What you need to do is focus on the IPTV service name/website that supports SO Player or LUX Player, or whatever app is supported by the IPTV.

Don’t search the web for help with the app. Know the name of your IPTV service where you paid your subscription. Know how to find the website when you need to renew the subscription and/or get support.

In Closing…

I have given you the replacements for Efire TV SO Player. You now know that EfireTV SO Player is gone permanently. In addition, there’s no need to delay. You can start watching your favorites online right now. You get basically the same thing as before. Just choose one of the IPTVs supporting SO Player or LUX Player app. Just save the other IPTVs if or when needed.

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