Have you been searching for the website to make a WYATV Payment? Are you trying to become a new customer and get a WYA TV subscription or pay for the Renewal?
If you are having problems, can’t find the website, or have been dissatisfied with the service, then consider a top alternative IPTV service instead. The IPTV services that I’m recommending have been tried and tested, and have the same everything and technology.

Sept 5, 2024 Update:
I’m a test reviewer of many Streaming TV/VOD services and apps. I’m not recommending WYA TV due to many visitors coming here with issues concerning WYATV. If you are already a subscriber of their service or thinking about becoming a subscriber, you should review the following services and compare them.
NOTE: SOPlayer can no longer be downloaded/installed on iOS devices. The app was removed from the Apple Play Store. There’s an alternative service that’s very similar provided below–See LUX Player
Jamzone SO Player IPTV Service
Offers the same everything as WYATV but better customer service/support. The issues subscribers have had with WYA TV will not occur with this IPTV service. You just need to save all their emails sent to you, remember the brand name, and know how to get back to the website to renew your subscription and get support when needed.
You can register for the Free Trial to test everything or a Subscription starting $25.00. Be sure to check your Spam or Junk mail folder in case you don’t see any emails from this service right after you register.
Register for Trial/Subscription | Read Full Review | Watch Video
Cool Deals SOPlayer IPTV Service
This service is pretty much the same as the one above. Just a different brand name. I’m giving this one to put in your basket in case you may want to switch IPTVs down the road.
Remember, you can switch SOPlayer IPTV services anytime you want. Use the same TV Player app but you will get new activation/login credentials. More than likely the Provider ID will be the same. But you will get a new Username, Password, and Device PIN Codes.
Cool Deals Subscription | Read Review | Watch Video
Wakanda LUX Player IPTV Service
This IPTV service is extremely similar to SO Player IPTV services such as WYATV. The difference is LUX Player is compatible with iOS and Roku devices. No Provider ID is needed to enter into the app. They have a $25.00 subscription.
Wakanda Subscription | Read Full Review | Watch the Video
Here’s another LUX Player IPTV service (has the same everything): DYESBro Subscription
Put both LUX Player IPTVs in your basket. Now you have two SOPlayer subscription services and two LUX Player subscription services.
You may not want to read below unless searching for a different app…
There are Carbon Player and Zeus Player IPTV services that are extremely similar to the GenPlay app and WYATV. They deliver the same streaming TV/VOD content if not more that also includes CatchUp TV.
You will have no problem finding the website to renew, getting support when needed, and won’t experience a lot of downtime. Plus you also have the option to enter into a free trial to test first.
Before you leave here, check out the alternative IPTVs with similar Apps to GenPlay. They also include CatchUp TV and have free trials. See further down and save them if you are not going to use any of them right now. At some point in time, you are going to need them.
The IPTV services that I referring to and recommending are supporting 3rd-party apps whereas they are not the owners/developers. From time to time these services that deliver streaming TV/VOD content, switch to a different one when the app developer no longer supports his/her app.
At the time of this writing, I was recommending the Thorium Player which is no longer supported. The Zeus app took its place so when you see Thorium below, just think of Zeus which uses the same technology.
My Experience
I have been test-reviewing many IPTV services over the years that support different apps. I’ve seen a lot and if I don’t know for sure why an IPTV service closed down, I can take an educated guess.
If I recall correctly, I believe WYAT TV was supporting the SO Player app, and then switched to GenPlay some time ago.
I never test-reviewed the IPTV service and app but do know how things work. Some IPTV services come and go, leaving their subscribers behind with no service. Some close the doors to new customers after reaching the maximum number of subscribers.
Through my experience using IPTV services to watch my favorites online as well, you do need a backup plan. Whether it’s a WYATV payment or a WYATV renewal issue, you don’t want another IPTV with the same issues. There comes a time when you need to move on and find another.
Additional Info…
I have test-reviewed a top IPTV service with a one-page website that’s better than the WYATV Service. You should watch the video that takes you inside a very similar TV app. At that time, it was the Thorium Player that has since been removed. Still, it’s the same technology as Zeus. The IPTV service that I recommend is better because it also delivers CatchUp TV.
Watch the Video review and tuorials HERE. You’ll learn everything and go through the signup and setup process. This top IPTV service supports the Zeus app now which has the same technology as the app you may have already installed. If not already installed, just install the Zeus app when getting the app/apk URL from the IPTV service.
You need to think about having on hand similar IPTV services should there come a time when the IPTV service is no longer available online. Also, think about having a backup IPTV service. Or, if you want to switch from one IPTV to another for whatever reason.
Additional Information
Getting back to TV apps, understand in most cases the IPTV service is not the owner/developer of the TV app(s) they are supporting. Many of them use 3rd party apps whereas they rely on the developer of the app to continue to update it.
If the developer no longer supports/updates the app, then it’s left up to the IPTV service to search and find a similar app. That’s how things work and the reason why IPTV services switch apps. You may or may not have heard of Lenox Player and all the similar apps that followed such as Thorium, UMP, Carbon Player, Genplay, and so on. Now many of these IPTV services have switched to Zeus Player.
IPTV Services – It’s The Nature of the Beast
Understand that some IPTV services come and go. It’s always best to have some IPTVs on hand in case you want to make a switch down the road. This is the nature of some IPTV services and you could be left with time on your subscription with no access to the streaming content anymore.
This can happen when there is an IPTV closing or shutdown. And on top of this, no support either.
I have also seen some IPTV services, after reaching the maximum number of subscribers, close the door to new customers. Those individuals can no longer sign up to subscribe but current subscribers continue to get access to watch their favorites online.
I never test-reviewed WYATV but I’m going to tell you what I know that will help you be prepared. And at the same time find a better IPTV service.
Very Similar Alternative IPTV Services with Very Similar Apps
Ready or not, you should bookmark/save the IPTVs below. Put them in your basket so that if or when the time comes which could be now, you can pick one to sign up and subscribe. This way you won’t skip a beat to resume watching your favorites. Either that or find one to use as a backup.
All IPTVs below have CatchUp TV and free trials included. Click any link to visit the website read the full review, or watch the video tutorials. And if you want to see the app activated and connected to the IPTV to see everything inside, you get that as well.
You get to see live and on-demand streams play.
You will need to install the Carbon Player App or Thorium Player App depending on which IPTV service you choose. Carbon Player IPTV 1 has a special message for GenPlay users/inquirers on their website and is ready to serve you.
When you look inside the app with streaming content to play, you will notice a remarkable resemblance to GenPlayer. Below are the closest apps to GenPlay and with better IPTV services.
NOTE: Thorium Player was replaced with Zeus Player.
Carbon Player IPTV 2 | Read Full Review | Watch Video Review
***Very similar to the GenPlay TV Player app but better IPTV service, Web TV Player, support, has lower prices, and also delivers CatchUp TV.
Zeus Player IPTV 3 | Read/Watch Review | See TV App In Action
***Also delivers CatchUp TV and everything the IPTV service above has.
Do You Prefer SO Player IPTV Services?…
Below you will find some SO Player IPTV to subscribe to if prefer using SOPlayer. The reason why I’m throwing in some LUX Player IPTVs is because SO Player can’t be found in the Apple Play Store anymore. LUX Player is a very similar app that uses the same platform. It’s compatible with the same streaming devices. You can also find the app in the Apple Play Store. It’s also compatible with Roku.
SO Player IPTV 1 or Read Full Review or Watch Video Review
WYATV 3 Month Subscription | 1 Month Subscription
Again, I will have to fall back to this question, Is their website gone? Is the WYATV store gone? Maybe yes or maybe no. I checked the search engines and there is no official website anymore. But there is a web page with very limited written content that may be WYATV. I provided a link above. I’m just not sure.
If you are looking for a WYA TV subscription or even the WYATV 3-month subscription, why not consider one of the alternative IPTVs? I provided the links above. Two out of three of them do have a 3-month as well as a 1-month subscription. Remember you get the same everything but CatchUp TV is included also.
Those alternative IPTV services support similar apps to GenPlay (Generic Player). All the recommended IPTVs have free trials. They are so similar to GenPlayer, that you might want to skip the trial and get the 3-month subscription instead.
WYA TV Subscription Free Trial
I am not sure if there was a WYA TV subscription free trial or not. I see that individuals are looking for a trial just like other related search terms. You may be one of them and if you can’t find the website, all hope isn’t lost.
You have the alternative IPTVs above that have free trials. I telling you that you won’t think but you will need to install either the Carbon Player app or Thorium Player app depending on the IPTV you choose.
WYATV Payment
I’m sure you’re probably familiar with this URL… https://www.wyatv.com/. If you are trying to make a WYATV payment and get access to your account, no doubt you will continue your search.
If you can no longer get access to make a WYA TV payment, or you lost your way, whereby there’s no support to help you, it’s time to move on. I can help you with the latter and will do so in this article.
The question is, is WYATV in hiding? Meaning their website is no longer online but are they still serving their current customers through another website? Or, perhaps serving them under a different brand name. I don’t know the answer to either one but if you know, please do tell–use the chat box.
If you are at a crossroads whether or not to continue your search to find another IPTV service, perhaps this article will help you end your search. See the top IPTV services that support the Carbon Player app and the Zeus Player app. Both apps use the same technology with a similar look and feel as GenPlay.
WYATV Renewal
Because I never test-reviewed WYA TV like I did with many other IPTVs, I can’t give you the inside scope. But it really shouldn’t matter now since there is no website or service that I know of to make any kind of WYATV payment.
If you are still trying to pay for the WYATV renewal after weeks or a month of searching, I would say your patience is leading you nowhere.
In Closing…
I have touched basis with you on some of the things involving the WYATV Payment Renewal. Whether you are experiencing an issue or not, you now know that having other similar IPTV services waiting in the wings is best.
Should something go wrong you can switch to another IPTV service supporting the same app. If you trying to become a new customer and get the WYA TV Subscription, you can give yourself more options to look at. Review the other IPTVs above that are strikingly similar–see links further up.