Nora Go Subscription Price, Renewal & Free Trial

This article covers the NoraGo / Nora Go subscription price per month & 3-month, renewal, and free trial. The recommended streaming TV/VOD service supporting the Nora TV player will be revealed. Both the app and streaming TV provider have been tried and tested.

To ensure there is no confusion, a few things must be covered first to get a good understanding. When referring to the NorgaGo subscription, we are referring to the streaming TV/VOD service subscription. The app is free to download and does not require a payment or signup to do so.

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But when the Nora app is installed on a compatible device, this is where a subscription or free trial is needed. What comes with that is the activation/login credentials to activate the app and use it to watch Internet TV.

Two things: First, I will cover what you need to know about the TV player; and second, I’ll cover the recommended streaming TV service where you need to go. If you are in a hurry, see the Trial and Subscription links below. For info on how to download and install – Click Here.

Nora Go Free Trial

Some individuals who are very new to this TV player like to enter into a free trial to test everything first. When free trials are offered by streaming TV/VOD, sometimes PPV events are excluded. Some subscription services offer a low-cost trial that gives you access to all the streaming content, including PPV events.

Again, the Nora TV player is free to download but the streaming TV/VOD service free trial or subscription is needed to activate and use NoraGo to watch TV online. This is where all the streaming content comes from with the help of the Nora TV player.

Entering a Nora Go free trial does not require entering any credit/debit card information. Therefore, you are not locked into an automatic subscription plan right after the trial ends. The streaming TV/VOD service that I’m recommending has a 24-hour trial.

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Low-Cost Trial

The other Nora Go TV subscription service has a low-cost trial that costs $10.00, where you get 3-day access. It’s a bit pricey for just 3 days to test everything, but just the same, you can test if you want.

Click Here to Get the Trial or Subscription

Nora Go TV Subscription and Renewal

Not only do you need to pay for the subscription, but you need the activation/login credentials to use NoraGo. The recommended service provider offers two subscription plans and prices. What’s different about this provider is that you have the option to pay by the month or every three months, or choose AutoPay.

My Account and Subscription Renewal

You can pay for the one-month plan or 3-month plan without AutoPay. When the subscription ends, you decide whether or not to pay again. If paying again, simply return to the streaming TV/VOD service website to renew the subscription. There is a ‘My Account’ link on the website to log in.

My Account

There you will have access to your order/invoice/account information including the activation/login credentials. Click the ‘Recent Orders’ link. Then click the ‘View’ button under Actions.

View Order

This will take you to your ‘Orders Update’ page which includes your Login, Downloads, and Order details information. You will see the ‘Order Again’ button directly under ‘Order details’.

Renew Subscription

Additional Information

When registering at the streaming TV/VOD website, you must enter your email address, and create a username and password. You need to write everything down to keep for your record, unless you are using a username & password manager addon in your web browser. These will become the login details needed when entering into your ‘My Account.’

If you somehow lose the password, simply click the ‘Lost Your Password?’ link. You can enter using the same username you made up or the email address when you registered.

Nora Go Subscription Price Per Month & 3-Month

The recommended streaming TV service has two subscription plans. You can choose either AutoPay or manually pay by the month or every three months. In the latter, you must return to the website to renew the subscription.

Each plan below comes with 7 device connections at one time.

Here are the prices/fees with and without AutoPay…

1st link is below–see promo code…

  • Nora Go Subscription Price Per Month: $30.00
  • Three-Month Plan: $80.00

Some individuals don’t like coming back to the subscription service website each month to renew so they choose automatic billing. Others prefer to manually renew whereby they have full control.

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Or pay…

  • One-Month Plan: $25.00
  • Three-Month Plan: $69.95

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Already Have A Subscription But Lost Your Way

Indeed, there are a lot of individuals who lose their emails and don’t remember the name of the subscription service, or how to find them. Therefore, they can’t renew the subscription or even get support, all because they weren’t as organized as they should have been.

This should be a lesson learned and for newcomers to understand that being well organized is key to not getting lost, or confused. I would rather use my computer than my smartphone so that I can create email folders and desktop folders. This way I can easily find what I’m looking for–days, weeks, or months ahead.

Additional Info…

If you happen to be one of the individuals lost and surfing the web for Nora Go, you won’t find what you’re looking for. My suggestion is to find another streaming TV/VOD service supporting the Nora TV player app. You already have the app installed so you only need the new set of activation/login credentials.

If on the other hand, you paid months ahead on a subscription, then you might want to keep searching. But know that no one else can help you but you and the subscription service.

It took me a while to find a Nora Go subscription service after the other streaming TV/VOD providers went out of service. The one that I’m recommending is pretty good and I’m confident you will like them as I did after conducting my full test review.

They deliver 600+ live channels–premium, US, CA & UK, including Spanish, adult, and other channels. Also included are 1000s of VOD movies/TV series, CatchUp TV, sports/seasonal sports, PPV events, and more.

You can add channels and VODs to favorites, there’s an EPG / TV Guide, Search Tool, and a few other features.

Nora Go Subscription

Note that when entering into one of the two plans above, it does not mean you are locked into that plan forever. You can switch up and choose another plan next time. This comes easier when not choosing AutoPay.

My Closing Remarks…

I encourage you to give the recommended top streaming TV/VOD supporting NoraGo and XPlay a try. There was nothing major to complain about, no heavy downside, just a pleasant, enjoyable experience. Watch all the video tutorials and the videos that follow at the top.

Whether it’s the free trial or Nora Go subscription per month or 3 months you are interested in, I broke everything down and showed you the way to the recommended streaming TV/VOD service with the subscription plans and prices. This also included how to renew and resume watching TV online. I addressed the individuals who lost their way and how they can resume watching their favorites online.

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