Genplay Subscription Comparison

If you are searching for where to sign up for the Genplay subscription, meaning GenPlay IPTV service subscription, you are not alone. Many like you are searching for it. But if you are new, you are not going to get any information about it. You will get more information from two other IPTV services that are very similar–see Important Update below…

I’m alerting you to two top IPTV services. One supports a very similar TV app. This allows you to put more IPTVs in your basket should there come a time when you need to make a switch in service.


Showjacks TV is no longer available but Ikarus Media is available and very similar. They support the Carbon Player app which is very similar to the GenPlay app but the Service ID is different. You get a better web TV experience, CatchUp TV, lower pricing, and a free trial. You get the same streaming live TV and VOD content delivered. Also, a full website with good customer service/support.

The Other No IP Lock streaming TV/VOD service is CracklePop TV. You get the same everything, the prices are better, more subscription packages, optionality, more channels/VODs, VOD bonuses, etc. Their customer service/support and uptime are great.

They support very popular TV Player apps such as IPTV Smarters Pro, TiviMate IPTV Player, IBO Player Pro, or any TV app that supports M3u Playlist and/or Xtreme Codes. The first video above will cover everything about CracklePop TV. Then the other set of videos will cover the other IPTV service that supports a very similar app to GenPlay.

Many visitors came to this website complaining about GenPlay so I decided to provide an alternative IPTV service you should like better. Before you decide, check out both IPTV services in the video and below. Again, you get more savings than with the GenPlay IPTV service and just as much entertainment if not more.

You can visit the website by clicking the link below…

Ikarus Media

Visit Ikarus Here | Read Review | Watch Video

Visit CracklePop Here | Read Review | Watch Video

Continue Reading if You Want…

After conducting a physical test review, I can honestly say that you have more IPTVs to choose from that you didn’t know about. Not only do these IPTVs deliver the same streaming TV/VOD content as Genplay IPTV service but also deliver CatchUp TV and have free trials.

I have just about seen everything over the years as a test reviewer and user of IPTVs. I have written many articles, and reviews, including creating video tutorials to help individuals like you learn more and find a good service to watch TV online. So you might want to stick around as I dive deeper into the subscription and better options.

Additional Info…

There are some really good IPTV services out there that you wouldn’t know about compared to the IPTV service supporting the Genplay app. Having said that, I’m going to help you further. You will discover a few IPTV services that support the Carbon Player app and Thorium Player app, the next generation of high-performance apps.

As I stated before, these top IPTV services deliver more streaming content which includes CatchUp TV as well. You can test them with the free trial if you want. But you may not want to after I show you everything inside to see with your own two eyes. They have 1-month and 3-month subscriptions.

IPTV Services to Look At That Out Perform GenPlay TV

I’m going to cover a few things, then I’ll let the video above fill in the rest. The video will take you inside one of the top IPTV services with the TV app connected to see and watch as I navigate. Yes, you actually see the app layout, categories of live TV channels and VOD movies/TV series, and so much more.

Genplay Subscription

I even play some of the streaming TV content so you are convinced. If you have used Genplay before you are going to see a remarkable resemblance. The look and feel (slightly different) including the technology of the Carbon Player and Thorium Player is what Genplay has, and better.

So again, I’ll let my video do the talking and walking whereby you just might forget about the Gen Player subscription altogether.

Additional Info…

It won’t be difficult to find these recommended IPTV websites that I’m giving you unless you forget the IPTV service name and/or lose the URL to get back to the IPTV service website. You won’t have an issue getting customer service/support when needed or renewing your subscription when time. None of the issues others have complained about regarding the Genplay TV subscription.

I highly suggest that if you are going to use a Firestick to have the latest version upgrade. At the time of this writing and video posting, the Firestick 4k is the latest.

One-Month & 3-Month Subscriptions

Just like the Gen Play subscription IPTV service, two of the three IPTVs that you should compare offer one-month and 3-month subscription packages at different costs. But you get CatchUp TV that Genplay doesn’t deliver. Even if you are not ready for these IPTVs that I’m telling you about, you need to bookmark/save each IPTV service website below. Why?

Because some IPTVs come and go. Some close the doors on new customers once they meet the ‘x’ number of subscriber limit. Some go out of service or the service becomes not as good as before.

Whatever downside that may occur, there’s no need to stick around. You have options with these other IPTVs. Just use them as replacements if you don’t want to subscribe to one right now. You will be installing the Carbon Player or Thorium Player app depending on which IPTV service you choose.

As I said before, the only difference between the two apps compared to Genplay is the brand name and slight change in the look and feel. Wait until you watch the video above when I take you inside.

Click below to sign up, subscribe, and activate…

Carbon Player IPTV Service 2 | Read Written Review | Watch Video Tutorials
Free Trial: $0.00 | 1-Month, 1,3,5 Device Connections: $18-20.00 USD | 3-Month, 1,3,5 Device Connections: $52-58.00 USD | Incl. CatchUP TV + Web TV Player

See It All In Action – Same everything & has CatchUp TV

Zeus IPTV Service 3 | Read Full Review | Watch Video Review
Free Trial: $0.00 | 1-Month, 5 Device Connections: $25.00 | Incl. CatchUp TV + Web TV Player

How to Install and See It In Action

Learning the Basics…

Whether it’s a Genplay subscription or some other IPTV service subscription that uses an app to watch TV online, there are some important things to understand.

Always start by finding the ideal IPTV service first. They tell you what app to install that is supported. They provide you with the activation/login credentials to activate and use the TV app.

The IPTV delivers all the streaming TV/VOD content. No TV app can do everything alone. You can only get support from the IPTV service and must return to their website to renew your subscription.

Additional Info…

You must pay for the IPTV service subscription to get everything you need to start watching TV online. Always remember the name of your IPTV service and know how to find their website.

Save all emails that you receive from the IPTV service to refer back to them again. This will help you remember your IPTV service name and where to go to support. You should also bookmark/save the IPTV service website to have another way to find them.

If you don’t see any emails from the IPTV service after you sign up to subscribe or get the trial, look inside your Spam or Junk mail folder. If you see any emails from the IPTV service (whatever the brand name), move those emails to your regular email inbox.

In Closing…

There’s nothing more to say here. You decide to continue searching for the Genplay subscription or get a better IPTV service with an extremely similar app subscription. Watch the video above that follows the intro video. You will see it all in action. If you have used the Genplayer app before, you’ll think it’s the same only different brand name and slightly different design.

Best IPTV/OTT Streaming TV/VOD Service In 2025...

Something New and Exciting!!!

CracklePop TV... All-In-One Streaming TV/VOD Service

Everything you wish for and better plus Great Customer Service/Support, free bonuses--VOD movies/TV Shows/Series Apps, more optionality with Bouquets, and subscription plans from $16.00 and up with Automatic Payment or Manual (one-time) Payment plus many payment methods. CracklePop TV

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Bouquets Feature: During registration, you check/uncheck boxes to add more or less countries, channels, and/or VOD movies/TV series. Customize your TV/VOD playlist for the content that interests you and want to watch. Video tutorials and Installation Setup Guides are included -- See the Support link in the Menu section on their site.

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Visit CracklePop TV Here

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