Install Jamzone TV on Firestick

How to Install Jamzone TV on Firestick or Fire TV can be completed when watching the video above. You are going to download and install the SO Player app to the Firestick (or Fire TV). The video takes you through all the steps:

  1. Go to Settings on the Amazon Firestick Home Screen (gear icon)
  2. Go to My Fire TV and Select
  3. Scroll down one level and Select Developer Options
  4. Scroll down to Apps From Unknown Sources and Make Sure it’s Turned ON
  5. Go to Home Screen >> Search or Use Alexa Voice and Search for Downloader app
  6. Download/Install Downloader
  7. Scroll Up One from the Yellow ‘Go’ Bar to Select the Field to Get the Blinking Cursor
  8. Click Inside the Blinking Cursor Field (Address Bar) to Get the Typepad
  9. Type in the Following SO Player Apk URL:
  10. Scroll Down to ‘Go’ and Select Start Downloading/Installing the Apk File
  11. Watch the Video Above for the Remaining Steps

My mistake… In the video above, I repeatedly said Downloader app installed when I meant to say SO Player app installed. The Downloader app was already installed at that point in the video. I used a different URL to install SO Player (see Apk URL above). You can use that URL (in green) to enter into the Downloader app.

From what I understand, the IPTV service that I’m recommending for you to use is using an older version of SOPlayer. They provide a different Apk URL listed in the FAQ section of their website.

Once you have completed the Downloader app installation and the installation of Jamzone TV on Firestick or Fire TV process, you must complete the next step. Watch the video above.

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Alternatives: 3 TV Player Apps in One Service (SOPlay, XPlay & Nora GO)

Just in case you want to use a Roku device or iOS/Apple device, the following services are available. SO Player cannot be downloaded on those devices.

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UPDATE: When you click the link above to visit the website to subscribe, look in the FAQs section. They recently added setup installation steps for the Fire TV/Firestick. The SO Player apk URL they tell you to type into the Downloader app is…

If I understood correctly, they are said to be using an older version of the SO Player app.

Activating Install Jamzone TV on Firestick or Fire TV

The next series of steps require the activation/login credentials you receive via email from the IPTV service provider for SO Player. In this case, the IPTV service is Jamzone TV. They will email you the Provider ID, and Device Pin Codes including the Username and Password.

You simply enter the Provider ID plus Username and Password inside the SO Player. This will activate the app and at the same time log you inside the app to watch everything online. You click the video link above to see everything.

At this point, you would have completed the install Jamzone TV on Firestick process. Now you can enjoy watching your favorites online.

In Closing – Install Jamzone TV on Firestick…

If the install Jamzone TV on Firestick is confusing to you get someone who can help you to get the setup completed. You can also sign up to receive our Free IPTV Setup Guide which explains many things to you. Get a basic understanding so that you are no longer confused.

SO Player IPTV services are one of the easiest to set up on your streaming device. However, there’s only one smart TV brand that’s compatible right now and that’s the LG smart TV. You can find the SO Player app in the internal app store. But you can’t find the app inside the Samsung smart TV app store.

As for the latter, you can buy and use an Amazon Firestick whereas most IPTV services are compatible with that device. The remote control is extremely simple to use whereas there are not that many button functions. There is a huge supply of apps available and the Alexa Voice comes in handy at times as well.

Compared to other compatible devices, the Fire TV and Firestick both will require some extra steps. Since the SO Player app cannot be found inside the Amazon app store, you must sideload the app. This means you must download and install the Apk file version of the SO Player app. You can do this when using the Downloader app.

I have made the installation of Jamzone TV on Firestick as easy as possible. You should have no problem completing the installation process. Be sure to watch the JamZone TV on Firestick to see everything in action.

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