Install Ikarus Media Firestick: How to Download via APK URL

To complete the installation of the Ikarus Media Firestick setup means completing the Carbon Player Firestick setup. Carbon Player was rebranded in the name of Ikarus which uses a different theme or skin when you get inside. The video above takes you through the steps to download the apk version of the app.

Simply follow along and you’ll have the setup completed in no time. But you also need to learn about the IPTV service which is Ikarus. More on this later.

Installing the Carbon Player app/apk requires extra steps but once you get this part out of the way, you just need to activate the player to watch TV online. If you already have UMP (Ultra Media Player) installed on your device, you can continue using it. You just need a new set of activation/login credentials. Both apps work the same way.

The credentials include the Service ID, UserID, and Password sent to you via email after paying for the Ikarus Media subscriptions or getting the free trial.

Watch the video above to see firsthand how to download and install the Carbon Player. It’s not hard to complete. You will get the URL in the email including the apk URL for the Firestick and Fire TV devices.

Web TV Player

You can also use their Web Player for other devices outside of Android and Firestick/Fire TV devices. The Web Player opens up in a web browser to watch TV online that way if you want. Keep in mind that you must purchase the subscription with 3 or 5 devices to use both the app/apk player and Web Player.

The trial only allows one device connection. You can complete the Ikarus Media on Firestick installation setup before paying the trial or subscription if you want. But you won’t be able to watch anything online until you activate the app/apk first. No TV app player delivers streaming content by itself which applies to Carbon Player and UMP also.

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Watch Video Tutorials Below…

What Is Ikarus Media TV

How to Signup to Get Your Trial or Subscription

See Everything In Action Including Streaming Content Play

See Web Player – Watch Live TV & VOD in Web Browser

IPTV Service Provider

Ikarus Media is the IPTV service that delivers all the streaming TV/VOD content to the Carbon Player app when installed on a compatible device. You must sign up and subscribe to receive the activation/login credentials via email. Also, know that you must return to the Ikarus Media website to get support when needed, and renew the subscription when time.

Never go online searching for the TV app name expecting to find your IPTV service provider and website. This is a waste of time whereby you’ll reach a dead end. I have more video tutorials for you to watch, not just for the Carbon Player Firestick setup. See the links above.

The tutorials take you from beginning to end. You’ll learn and see everything such as the signing up process and seeing everything in action.

Carbon Player Firestick Setup Activation

When testing this IPTV service that supports the Carbon Player app/apk, I used my Firestick connected to my LG Smart. When I received the email from Ikarus Media, I wrote down the Service ID, UserID, and Password. You must do the same thing. This is needed to activate the Carbon Player Firestick. Or, you can use the Ultra Media Player if you have that player already installed.

Just so that you know Carbon Player is the latest and better-performing app/apk. I am not going to run down all the install Ikarus Media Firestick steps here. You have the video at the top to see all the steps. Depending on what compatible device you are going to use, more steps may be required.

For instance, when using my Firestick, there was a parameter I had to enable in Settings first. This is important so that 3rd-party or unknown apps can be installed. Like me, you will need to download/install the Downloader app. This app enables you to type in the apk URL to download and install Carbon Player.

Additional Info…

When the Carbon Player finishes installing, you will have completed the how to install Ikarus Media Firestick process. The way this works is you sign up to pay for the low-cost trial or subscription. Next, you type in the activation/login credentials that come in the email.

When the IPTV provider Ikarus emails you the Service ID, Username, and Password, you enter them into Carbon Player or Ultra Media Player. This will activate the app/apk and will have access to all the streaming content available at your fingertips.

What’s Inside the Player App/Apk

After watching the video above, another video tutorial will follow and automatically play. This lets you see everything in action inside. You’ll watch me navigate through the player to see categories and sub-categories of live channels and VODs. This comes after the Ikarus Media Firestick installation setup and when activating the player afterward.

You will also see the features and explain them including watching me play live and on-demand streaming content. You won’t find what I’m showing you anyplace else which means you will have all the info and visuals. By the way, did I mention Ikarus Media also delivers CatchUp TV? Well, they do if that interests you.

You will find major TV networks to watch movies, sports, news, kids, and other types of live channels. Also includes PPV events, a sports package with seasonal sports, music channels, adult content, and more. Some of the features include Add to Favorites, Multi-Screens, Parental Controls, and so on.

As I said before, the install Ikarus Media on Firestick setup is not hard to do. You will get setup instructions in the email from Ikarus. There will be a link to get access to the Web Player. You must sign in with the Username and Password to use the Web Player in your web browser.

In Closing…

The install Ikarus Media Firestick setup is easy to do. The service will provide the URL to download and install Carbon Player instructions. If you don’t want to use Carbon Player, you can choose to use Web Player which allows other devices to be used.

I found nothing majorly wrong with this IPTV service. But Ikarus is the brand name you need to remember. Should want to search for the website to get support or renew the subscription, Ikarus Media is the name to search for.

After completing the installation of Ikarus Media on my Firestick, I was quite pleased with my findings and I think you will too. Just remember that if you are going to opt for the Ikarus Media trial, you only get one day and one device connection.

Signup and Get Your Trial or Subscription, and Activation Here

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