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Watch as I play Canadian TV channels on Choice IPTV Smarters app. Important Notice: The Choice IPTV website name and URL were changed to Optimedia. You will see the name Optimedia on their website. This [More]
The video covers the Choice IPTV Canada TV subscription. Important Notice: The Choice IPTV website name and URL were changed to Optimedia. You will probably still the name Choice but you will notice the URL [More]
The video covers Choice Unity Streams Setup. Important Notice: The Choice IPTV website name and URL were changed to Optimedia. You will see the name Optimedia on their website. This major change came after a [More]
Watch as I take you inside the Tivimate app and Unity Stream app to show you around. You’ll also watch me play some of the streaming content as well. Important Notice: The Choice IPTV website [More]
The video covers how to install Choice IPTV-Trivimate on a Firestick setup. Watch step-by-step and you’ll have Tivimate set up in no time. UPDATE: In 2023, Choice IPTV moved its website to another location and [More]
The video above allows you to look over my shoulders to watch Choice IPTV on Firestick. I showed you how to install the Choice IPTV Store App in the previous video tutorial. Then I chose [More]
I’m going to show you how to install Choice IPTV on Firestick using the Choice IPTV Store App. They streamlined the download/installation process which makes things rather easy. You just need to set up one [More]
There are 5 Choice IPTV Subscription Plans that I will break down for you. This IPTV service was smart enough to realize that most customers don’t want tons of International live channels and VODs. I [More]
To define what is Choice IPTV, we must first understand what is IPTV which stands for Internet Protocol television. Simply put, it’s the opposite of traditional TV such as over-the-air TV, cable, or satellite TV [More]
The video above covers the Golden TV Subscription. I take you through the steps both ways but you’ll watch me as I sign up for the one-month subscription. This IPTV service is a little different [More]
Watch the video at the top as I demonstrate the Golden TV app on my Firestick. With the app connected and activated with the IPTV servers, you’ll see everything inside. Watch as I navigate through [More]
This Golden TV review covers the goldentv.website, TV Player app, and streaming TV/VOD service where everything has been tried and tested. Watch the review video above where I take you through the website. I break [More]
Watch the IPTV Now subscription video above where I show how to sign up for the trial or subscription. Simply click the link below to sign up, subscribe, and activate. There is a low-cost 12-hour [More]

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